It's me meli

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Is it a boy or a girl?

Is it a boy or a girl?

Many people have asked if we’re having a boy or girl. I think I’ve avoided the question for so long that people just assume we’re not finding out, or just not sharing. I have 3 more weeks (give or take a few days,) so I think it’s about time we share the news. Sorry it took so long, but I have good reason.

My insurance was able to cover early testing this pregnancy because of my history before having Aria, and during my pregnancy with Aria. Even though I’ll never really be relaxed until I’m holding a baby in my arms, the early test helped ease A little of the stress. We were also able to find out the gender of baby #2 pretty early in this pregnancy from my blood work! The anticipation was killing us! On the way home from the doctors office the day we got our results, we gave the envelope to our local bakery and had them put pink or blue inside of a cupcake for Aria to eat. We got home, set up the camera, and let her have at the cupcake… which took a lot longer than expected. The best part about finding out the gender so early… Charlie was there, waiting for the frosting to drop.

We decided to share the news with family and friends who asked us in person, but we wanted to wait until my 20 week anatomy scan to make sure it was correct before sharing the news on the World Wide Web. My 20 week anatomy scan was March 22nd… the day we said goodbye to Charlie.

We dropped him off that morning for his scheduled chemotherapy appointment. I hugged him and told him that they were going to make him better. It wasn’t the first time he was feeling bad before chemo, but he always bounced back. I figured this time was no different. We then left to go to my anatomy scan 25min away. As we pulled into the hospital we received a call from the vet telling us to come back as soon as we could to discuss Charlie’s condition. We had never received a call like that before so I knew it was bad news.

I tried to pull myself together for my appointment, but a few minutes in to my scan I couldn’t control it. I started sobbing, and the poor women doing my scan had no idea what was going on. My husband explained, and I apologized. We continued, but my mind was on Charlie the entire time. That was the last time I saw my baby in an ultrasound, but I don’t remember any of it. I just wanted to leave.

When we got back to Tufts, Charlie’s oncologist explained to us again how this is what lymphoma does, it shuts down your body so fast, and eventually there’s no coming back. That’s what was happening to our poor boy. We knew the time would come, but we were sure he was a warrior who would push through anything. While we were gone his oncologist told us she was laying on the floor holding him, and he most definitely wasn’t himself. We always assumed when this day came we would put him to rest in our house where he felt comfortable. But In that moment we knew it didn’t matter where he was, it just mattered who he was with. We told him stories, we laughed, we cried, and we thanked him for being the best dog we ever could of asked for. The glue that held us together.

We woke up that morning excited about seeing our baby, but life decided to throw us a curve ball that day. Every time I wanted to post the gender, it brought me back to the sadness of that day. That day will forever be filled with sadness, but I know when our baby girl makes her arrival she’ll give us a lifetime of happiness. How can we not expect pure love and joy when her guardian angel has paws. 🐾

If you want to see the video of Gentle (slowly) eating the cupcake. Check out the YouTube link below.


19 thoughts on “Is it a boy or a girl?

  1. A lot of hugs and strength to you! Thanks for sharing and i completely understand. What a difficult time! The picture including Charlie is the BEST! Sweet Charlie will always your guardian angel!!

    1. Beautifully written blog! Congratulations on your 2nd baby girl. Aria is adorable and I know for certain Charlie boy is watching over you all. ????????????????

  2. Congratulations on the wonderful news. Wishing many blessings, love and laughter. As you enjoy your new baby girl. Gentle will be an awesome big sister. Love your posts. Much love from a lab Mom, a mother of three daughters and two granddaughters.

  3. Oh wow…this made me cry-Charlie is forever with you. He’s watching over all of you: your sweet girls and dear Ralphie. Sending lots of love to you…thank you for sharing I know it’s bittersweet…all of you are so loved.

  4. Congratulations & so much love to you & your beautiful family!!! I sobbed reading your blog post with the devastating heartbreak of loosing Charlie coinsiding with such joyous news & watching precious Aria take her sweet time revealing that she is goong to be a big sister! (Apologies for the spoiler alert to anyone reading the comments before the posts!). I love you all so much & wish you the best in the weeks ahead when Aria’s sister arrives!!!

  5. Congratulations an heartbreak ???????? I have balked reading this ❣️????❣️ I have 3 silver labs my children an I lost my Bentley 7 years ago to colon cancer I know the heartache we let him go from our home , the absolute hardest thing I’ve ever done ❣️ God Bless your beautiful family ????♥️

  6. How lovely, and in a small way maybe this was Charlie’s way of being a memory in your special girls heart.
    Very cute cupcake eating…

  7. it’s 5 am here and my Nina woke me up to go out , when i saw the post, i rushed to read it; you are part of my family now …i could be your auntie????: congrats to all the family; it’s true life often takes different roads from ours , but in the end they come together????; it’s another sign; Charlie was there and is there to do his best work as guadian angel ;thank you for sharing, you have a great sensibility, your writings are so deep and pure, you ‘re a beautiful soul????, hugs and kisses. nice idea to find the sex out through a cupcake….many will copy you.

  8. Thank you for sharing this. I’m so happy that Gentle will have a little sister. Your candid thoughts are very much appreciated. Charlie is missed by so many but rest assured the love and joy that he brought to countless lives will never be forgotten. Hoping Ralphie is doing well with his training. I wish you and your family all the best now and in the future. ❤️???? Paul and my chocolate lab Penny

  9. What a wonderful mother you are – you are an inspiration to everyone who is struggling . It had to be such a hard day , but mixed with total joy with news that you had a little girl inside waiting to be big enough to share your love with Gentle and Ralphie . I am so happy for your new little one to arrive !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. What a delightful way to discover that a precious baby girl will join your family. I fully understand wanting to wait to share the new baby’s gender. You guys had a lot going on. But what wonderful memories of her big sister, Aria and Charlie you will be able to share with her. I believe this is Charlie’s way of letting you and your family know that he will be a guardian angel for your family. Thank you for sharing your family with us. We dearly love each of you. May God Forever Bless Your Family. And adorable little Gentle has got to learn to eat cupcakes faster. Lol.

    1. Congratulations! When I saw your instagram feed, I need to check this out and oh dear, you made me cry again. What a wonderful story, full of love. I know Charlie is looking down and checking you all. All love and happiness to your family and Ralphie. ❤

  11. Wow. I’m wiping away a flood of tears. What a roller coaster for you guys. Thank you for sharing Charlie and everything else. Can’t wait to see Gentle #2

  12. Congratulations on your new baby girl! I can understand why it was so difficult to post this. I have been following Charlie and now Ralphie on Instagram and the pictures and stories give me a little giggle every time. I was on vacation when I saw the post on March 22 and my heart broke. We have 3 labs and I do not want that inevitable day to come, because I know I will be a mess. They come into our lives for such a short time but they bring so much love and happiness. I look forward to your future blogs and Instagram posts with “Gentle”, your new baby girl and Ralphie. God bless ????

  13. I have no words! Just sending hugs and happiness your way!! Charlie brightened my day on Instagram! ????❤️

  14. This post made me cry ugly tears. What a crazy emotional roller coaster you have been on. My heart both breaks and blooms for you. Charlie will forever looking over your growing family. ❤️❤️❤️

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