It's me meli

Welcome friends. So happy you made it.

They look so happy.

They look so happy.

How many times have you scrolled through social media and thought “they look so happy.” “They have the perfect life.” Only to be shocked when one day you find out that they’re not as perfect as you thought! Is your life perfect? Probably not. So why are we so shocked to find out that other people’s lives are not perfect?

My family is my everything. Yesterday I told my husband to move out, threatened to sell my daughter on Craigslist, and yelled at the dog for almost knocking my daughter down the stairs. At the end of the day, we never stop loving each other, but we are far from perfect.

Let me tell you about this photo…

I can’t tell you how many times I see photos of new moms and think to myself, “ugh she looks so good, I wish I was that skinny.” I don’t work out. With my kitchen being renovated, I don’t eat right. I still have baby weight to lose….But here I am, in this photo, being that skinny mom! The right angle makes all the difference.

“They’re such a perfect couple.”Ha! While the baby was napping I was picking through the closet to get dressed and my husband kept throwing tantrums because the noise was waking him from HIS nap. Which set the stage for my obvious “I wish I had time to take a nap!” complaints.

“Oh, what a happy baby!” She is a happy baby! … As long as you give her exactly what she wants as soon as she wants it. She wanted to be up. She wanted to be down. She wanted to run. She wouldn’t let me wipe her boogers. We did our best to bribe her with snacks. Let’s face it “strong willed” is just a nice way of saying “pain in the butt.” And that’s my daughter. I love her.

“Charlie is the most photogenic dog.” This may be true because I’ve tried to work my photo taking magic on other dogs, and it doesn’t work. Charlie was definitely much more cooperative than the baby this day, but there was deer poop everywhere and he wanted to run, sniff, and play! The whole reason for taking these photos was because we don’t know how much time he has left with us, which is heart breaking for us.

The point I’m trying to make here is- when you’re scrolling through social media you’re going to think “They look so happy.” Because why would anyone post a photo looking unhappy? “Ok, everybody frown!” … it just doesn’t work like that. Of course some people are dealing with more than others, but you never know what struggles are behind those smiles. So Be kind to yourself when you think someone else’s life is better than your own. And be kind to others, because nobody’s perfect! That’s all.


12 thoughts on “They look so happy.

  1. Love this and how real you are ! I can relate to this soooo much as a Mom to 3 children, and 5 canine children, two of which are chocolate labs! Thank you for being real, and I am praying for Charlie ,and your family ????❤️????

    1. We have to deal with what life throws at us , what you have right there is very special from what I see . Charlie is truly blessed to have a family that doesn’t give up and continues to give him the help and hope that he needs, we all see the posts that are put up from time to time and each time brings a tear to my eyes because of the love you guys give to Charlie. He may not know what he is going through but rest the sure he feels the love and your right we all get our days but take a look at what you have there and it will make it all better. God bless you and especially Charlie we all love him. Keep the faith.

  2. Omg, the more I read about Charlie and family, the more I love you guys. The fact that you have been so open about how you feel, it just means that you are human. Talking about it, it truly helps. Your family may not be “perfect” but they are the greatest blessing that God has given you. I’m sure that they feel the same way about you, including Charlie, of course! Congratulations, you are doing an amazing job as a wife, as beautiful Gentle’s mom and Charlie’s mom. You are truly a WONDER WOMAN!
    I want to wish you all a special Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  3. I absolutely love your family and I love y’all even more for this post. I wish everyone could read this and realize the point you are trying to make. It’s so easy to forget these things. Life happens and it’s not always perfect but at the end of the day we still love each other. Such a beautiful post. Thank you for being real. Love you Charlie. Stay strong and fight #cancersucks

  4. That’s the thing, by owning that we’re not perfect and that life is often times a complete shit show, well that is being perfectly imperfect, and that, my friend, is everything.

  5. I totally agree and I’ve definitely found myself saying, “oh here’s so and so and her perfect life…” but like you said, people aren’t going to post unhappy things. And furthermore, if they did people would say they are so negative lol can’t win. But I have two real life examples of people I know whose lives seemed perfect that are now divorced. Social media isn’t always the real portrayal of what’s really going on… and additionally, and maybe a topic for another post, but can’t people just genuinely be happy for people?! I’ve heard so many people who “need to delete Facebook” because of the things people post get to them… umm no. Be happy for people! That’s all.

  6. I’m glad a stopped to read your blog today…a day when I’m having my own struggles. Sitting at work trying to get through the day with our breaking down. Your words showed me that I could get through the day….and thank you for that.
    I truly enjoy Charlie’s IG page and your posts. Those are the things that make me smile on a day like this.

  7. You are completely right! Your blog was so honest and hit a home run with me. You are a wonderful Mom to both of your kids! I found myself looking for updates on Charlie multiple times a day. We have 2 chocolate labs. They are my world. Prayers for Charlie that there will be a Christmas miracle. And Gentle is adorable! Love the pictures/ videos of the 2 of them. You and your hubby are special people! Have a blessed thanksgiving! ❤️

  8. Well said, Melissa. We do what we can and hope for the best. Thank you for reinforcing for all of us that life is short, perfection is not possible and it’s still worthwhile.
    Best wishes.

  9. Hearts are breaking every where cause life does have sucky parts until we share the joys of living through those challenges. Got a chuckle above Charlie ‘s deer poop tasting and baby up and baby down… don’t understand husband naps but so do for Mom ones! May there be many more Blessings to your family through thick n thin

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